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Version: 6.3

Entity Repository

Entity Repositories are thin layers on top of EntityManager. They act as an extension point, so you can add custom methods, or even alter the existing ones. The default EntityRepository implementation just forwards the calls to underlying EntityManager instance.

EntityRepository class carries the entity type, so you do not have to pass it to every find or findOne calls.

const booksRepository = em.getRepository(Book);

// same as `em.find(Book, { author: '...' }, { ... })`
const books = await booksRepository.find({ author: '...' }, {
populate: ['author'],
limit: 1,
offset: 2,
orderBy: { title: QueryOrder.DESC },

console.log(books); // Book[]

Custom Repository


Since v4, you need to make sure you are working with correctly typed EntityRepository to have access to driver specific methods (like createQueryBuilder()). Use the one exported from your driver package.

To use custom repository, just extend EntityRepository<T> class:

import { EntityRepository } from '@mikro-orm/mysql'; // or any other driver package

export class CustomAuthorRepository extends EntityRepository<Author> {

// custom methods...
public findAndUpdate(...) {
// ...


And register the repository via @Entity decorator:

@Entity({ repository: () => CustomAuthorRepository })
export class Author {
// ...

@Repository() decorator has been removed in v5, use @Entity({ repository: () => MyRepository }) instead.

Note that you need to pass that repository reference inside a callback so you will not run into circular dependency issues when using entity references inside that repository.

Now you can access your custom repository via em.getRepository() method.

Inferring custom repository type

To have the em.getRepository() method return correctly typed custom repository instead of the generic EntityRepository<T>, you can use EntityRepositoryType symbol:

@Entity({ repository: () => AuthorRepository })
export class Author {

[EntityRepositoryType]?: AuthorRepository;


const repo = em.getRepository(Author); // repo has type AuthorRepository

You can also register custom base repository (for all entities where you do not specify repository) globally, via MikroORM.init({ entityRepository: CustomBaseRepository }).

Removed methods from EntityRepository interface

Following methods are no longer available on the EntityRepository instance since v6:

  • persist
  • persistAndFlush
  • remove
  • removeAndFlush
  • flush

They were confusing as they gave a false sense of working with a scoped context (e.g. only with a User type), while in fact, they were only shortcuts for the same methods of underlying EntityManager. You should work with the EntityManager directly instead of using a repository when it comes to entity persistence, repositories should be treated as an extension point for custom logic (e.g. wrapping query builder usage).

Alternatively, you can use the repository.getEntityManager() method to access those methods directly on the EntityManager.

If you want to keep those methods on repository level, you can define custom base repository and use it globally:

import { EntityManager, EntityRepository, AnyEntity } from '@mikro-orm/mysql';

export class ExtendedEntityRepository<T extends object> extends EntityRepository<T> {

persist(entity: AnyEntity | AnyEntity[]): EntityManager {
return this.em.persist(entity);

async persistAndFlush(entity: AnyEntity | AnyEntity[]): Promise<void> {
await this.em.persistAndFlush(entity);

remove(entity: AnyEntity): EntityManager {
return this.em.remove(entity);

async removeAndFlush(entity: AnyEntity): Promise<void> {
await this.em.removeAndFlush(entity);

async flush(): Promise<void> {
return this.em.flush();


And specify it in the ORM config:

entityRepository: ExtendedEntityRepository,

You might as well want to use the EntityRepositoryType symbol, possibly in a custom base entity.