Defining Entities
Entities are simple javascript objects (so called POJO) without restrictions and without the need to extend base classes. Using entity constructors works as well - they are never executed for managed entities (loaded from database). Every entity is required to have a primary key.
Entities can be defined in two ways:
- Decorated classes - the attributes of the entity, as well as each property are provided via decorators. We use
decorator on the class. Entity properties are decorated either with@Property
decorator, or with one of reference decorators:@ManyToOne
. Check out the full decorator reference. EntitySchema
helper - WithEntitySchema
helper we define the schema programmatically. We can use regular classes as well as interfaces. This approach also allows to re-use partial entity definitions (e.g. traits/mixins). Read more about this in Defining Entities via EntitySchema section.
Moreover, how the metadata extraction from decorators happens is controlled via MetadataProvider
. Two main metadata providers are:
- usesreflect-metadata
to read the property types. Faster but simpler and more verbose.TsMorphMetadataProvider
- usests-morph
to read the type information from the TypeScript compiled API. Heavier (requires full TS as a dependency), but allows DRY entity definition. Withts-morph
we are able to extract the type as it is defined in the code, including interface names, as well as optionality of properties.
Read more about them in the Metadata Providers section.
Current set of decorators in MikroORM is designed to work with the
. Usingbabel
is also possible, but requires some additional setup. Read more about it here. For notes aboutwebpack
, read the deployment section.
is compatible only with thetsc
From v3 we can also use default exports when defining your entity.
Example definition of a Book
entity follows. We can switch the tabs to see the difference for various ways:
- reflect-metadata
- ts-morph
- EntitySchema
export class Book extends CustomBaseEntity {
title!: string;
@ManyToOne(() => Author)
author!: Author;
@ManyToOne(() => Publisher, { ref: true, nullable: true })
publisher?: Ref<Publisher>;
@ManyToMany({ entity: 'BookTag', fixedOrder: true })
tags = new Collection<BookTag>(this);
export class Book extends CustomBaseEntity {
title!: string;
author!: Author;
publisher?: Ref<Publisher>;
@ManyToMany({ fixedOrder: true })
tags = new Collection<BookTag>(this);
export interface IBook extends CustomBaseEntity {
title: string;
author: Author;
publisher?: Ref<Publisher>;
tags: Collection<BookTag>;
export const Book = new EntitySchema<IBook, CustomBaseEntity>({
name: 'Book',
extends: 'CustomBaseEntity',
properties: {
title: { type: 'string' },
author: { reference: 'm:1', entity: 'Author' },
publisher: { reference: 'm:1', entity: 'Publisher', ref: true, nullable: true },
tags: { reference: 'm:n', entity: 'BookTag', fixedOrder: true },
{ wrappedEntity: true }
in yourRef
property definitions will wrap the reference, providing access to helper methods like.load
, which can be helpful for loading data and changing the type of your references where you plan to use them.
Here is another example of Author
entity, that was referenced from the Book
one, this time defined for mongo:
- reflect-metadata
- ts-morph
- EntitySchema
export class Author {
_id!: ObjectId;
id!: string;
createdAt: Date = new Date();
@Property({ onUpdate: () => new Date() })
updatedAt: Date = new Date();
name!: string;
email!: string;
@Property({ nullable: true })
age?: number;
termsAccepted: boolean = false;
@Property({ nullable: true })
identities?: string[];
@Property({ nullable: true })
born?: Date;
@OneToMany(() => Book, book =>
books = new Collection<Book>(this);
@ManyToMany(() => Author)
friends = new Collection<Author>(this);
@ManyToOne(() => Book, { nullable: true })
favouriteBook?: Book;
@Property({ version: true })
version!: number;
constructor(name: string, email: string) { = name; = email;
export class Author {
_id!: ObjectId;
id!: string;
createdAt = new Date();
@Property({ onUpdate: () => new Date() })
updatedAt = new Date();
name!: string;
email!: string;
age?: number;
termsAccepted = false;
identities?: string[];
born?: Date;
@OneToMany(() => Book, book =>
books = new Collection<Book>(this);
friends = new Collection<Author>(this);
favouriteBook?: Book;
@Property({ version: true })
version!: number;
constructor(name: string, email: string) { = name; = email;
export class Author {
_id!: ObjectId;
id!: string;
createdAt = new Date();
updatedAt = new Date();
name!: string;
email!: string;
age?: number;
termsAccepted = false;
identities?: string[];
born?: Date;
books = new Collection<Book>(this);
friends = new Collection<Author>(this);
favouriteBook?: Book;
version!: number;
constructor(name: string, email: string) { = name; = email;
export const AuthorSchema = new EntitySchema<Author>({
class: Author,
properties: {
_id: { type: 'ObjectId', primary: true },
id: { type: String, serializedPrimaryKey: true },
createdAt: { type: Date },
updatedAt: { type: Date, onUpdate: () => new Date() },
name: { type: String },
email: { type: String },
age: { type: Number, nullable: true },
termsAccepted: { type: Boolean }
identities: { type: 'string[]', nullable: true }
born: { type: Date, nullable: true }
books: { reference: '1:m', entity: () => Book, mappedBy: book => }
friends: { reference: 'm:n', entity: () => Author }
favouriteBook: { reference: 'm:1', entity: () => Book, nullable: true };
version: { type: Number, version: true };
More information about modelling relationships can be found on modelling relationships page.
For an example of Vanilla JavaScript usage, take a look here.
Optional Properties
With the default reflect-metadata
provider, we need to mark each optional property as nullable: true
. When using ts-morph
, if you define the property as optional (marked with ?
), this will be automatically considered as nullable property (mainly for SQL schema generator).
- reflect-metadata
- ts-morph
- EntitySchema
@ManyToOne(() => Book, { nullable: true })
favouriteBook?: Book;
favouriteBook?: Book;
properties: {
favouriteBook: { reference: 'm:1', entity: () => Book, nullable: true },
Default values
We can set default value of a property in 2 ways:
- Use runtime default value of the property. This approach should be preferred as long as we are not using any native database function like
. With this approach our entities will have the default value set even before it is actually persisted into the database (e.g. when we instantiate new entity vianew Author()
orem.create(Author, { ... })
- reflect-metadata
- ts-morph
- EntitySchema
foo: number = 1;
bar: string = 'abc';
baz: Date = new Date();
foo = 1;
bar = 'abc';
baz = new Date();
properties: {
foo: { type: Number, onCreate: () => 1 },
bar: { type: String, onCreate: () => 'abc' },
baz: { type: Date, onCreate: () => new Date() },
- Use
parameter of@Property
decorator. This way the actual default value will be provided by the database, and automatically mapped to the entity property after it is being persisted (after flush). To use SQL functions likenow()
, usedefaultRaw
Since v4 you should use
for SQL functions, asdefault
with string values will be automatically quoted.
- reflect-metadata
- ts-morph
- EntitySchema
@Property({ default: 1 })
foo!: number;
@Property({ default: 'abc' })
bar!: string;
@Property({ defaultRaw: 'now' })
baz!: Date;
@Property({ default: 1 })
foo!: number;
@Property({ default: 'abc' })
bar!: string;
@Property({ defaultRaw: 'now' })
baz!: Date;
properties: {
foo: { type: Number, default: 1 },
bar: { type: String, default: 'abc' },
baz: { type: Date, defaultRaw: 'now' },
To define an enum property, use @Enum()
decorator. Enums can be either numeric or string values.
For schema generator to work properly in case of string enums, we need to define the enum in the same file as where it is used, so its values can be automatically discovered. If we want to define the enum in another file, we should re-export it also in place where we use it.
Another possibility is to provide the reference to the enum implementation in the decorator via @Enum(() => UserRole)
We can also set enum items manually via
items: string[]
- reflect-metadata
- ts-morph
- EntitySchema
import { OutsideEnum } from './OutsideEnum.ts';
export class User {
@Enum(() => UserRole)
role!: UserRole; // string enum
@Enum(() => UserStatus)
status!: UserStatus; // numeric/const enum
@Enum(() => OutsideEnum)
outside!: OutsideEnum; // string enum defined outside of this file
@Enum({ items: () => OutsideNullableEnum, nullable: true })
outsideNullable?: OutsideNullableEnum; // string enum defined outside of this file, may be null
export enum UserRole {
ADMIN = 'admin',
MODERATOR = 'moderator',
USER = 'user',
export const enum UserStatus {
// or we could reexport OutsideEnum
// export { OutsideEnum } from './OutsideEnum.ts';
import { OutsideEnum } from './OutsideEnum.ts';
export class User {
@Enum(() => UserRole)
role!: UserRole; // string enum
@Enum(() => UserStatus)
status!: UserStatus; // numeric enum
@Enum(() => OutsideEnum)
outside!: OutsideEnum; // string enum defined outside of this file
@Enum({ items: () => OutsideNullableEnum })
outsideNullable?: OutsideNullableEnum; // string enum defined outside of this file, may be null
export enum UserRole {
ADMIN = 'admin',
MODERATOR = 'moderator',
USER = 'user',
export const enum UserStatus {
// or we could reexport OutsideEnum
// export { OutsideEnum } from './OutsideEnum.ts';
properties: {
// string enum
role: { enum: true, items: () => UserRole },
// numeric enum
status: { enum: true, items: () => UserStatus },
// string enum defined outside of this file
outside: { enum: true, items: () => OutsideEnum },
// string enum defined outside of this file, may be null
outsideNullable: { enum: true, items: () => OutsideNullableEnum, nullable: true },
Enum arrays
We can also use array of values for enum, in that case, EnumArrayType
type will be used automatically, that will validate items on flush.
- reflect-metadata
- ts-morph
- EntitySchema
enum Role {
User = 'user',
Admin = 'admin',
@Enum({ items: () => Role, array: true, default: [Role.User] })
roles: Role[] = [Role.User];
enum Role {
User = 'user',
Admin = 'admin',
@Enum({ default: [Role.User] })
roles = [Role.User];
enum Role {
User = 'user',
Admin = 'admin',
properties: {
roles: { enum: true, array: true, default: [Role.User], items: () => Role },
Mapping directly to primary keys
Sometimes we might want to work only with the primary key of a relation. To do that, we can use mapToPk
option on M:1 and 1:1 relations:
- reflect-metadata
- ts-morph
- EntitySchema
@ManyToOne(() => User, { mapToPk: true })
user: number;
@ManyToOne(() => User, { mapToPk: true })
user: number;
properties: {
user: { entity: () => User, mapToPk: true },
For composite keys, this will give us ordered tuple representing the raw PKs, which is the internal format of composite PK:
- reflect-metadata
- ts-morph
- EntitySchema
@ManyToOne(() => User, { mapToPk: true })
user: [string, string]; // [first_name, last_name]
@ManyToOne(() => User, { mapToPk: true })
user: [string, string]; // [first_name, last_name]
properties: {
user: { entity: () => User, mapToPk: true },
decorator can be used to map some SQL snippet to your entity. The SQL fragment can be as complex as you want and even include subselects.
- reflect-metadata
- ts-morph
- EntitySchema
@Formula('obj_length * obj_height * obj_width')
objectVolume?: number;
@Formula('obj_length * obj_height * obj_width')
objectVolume?: number;
properties: {
objectVolume: { formula: 'obj_length * obj_height * obj_width' },
Formulas will be added to the select clause automatically. In case you are facing problems with NonUniqueFieldNameException
, you can define the formula as a callback that will receive the entity alias in the parameter:
- reflect-metadata
- ts-morph
- EntitySchema
@Formula(alias => `${alias}.obj_length * ${alias}.obj_height * ${alias}.obj_width`)
objectVolume?: number;
@Formula(alias => `${alias}.obj_length * ${alias}.obj_height * ${alias}.obj_width`)
objectVolume?: number;
properties: {
objectVolume: { formula: alias => `${alias}.obj_length * ${alias}.obj_height * ${alias}.obj_width` },
We can define indexes via @Index()
decorator, for unique indexes, we can use @Unique()
decorator. We can use it either on entity class, or on entity property.
To define complex indexes, we can use index expressions. They allow us to specify the final create index
query and an index name - this name is then used for index diffing, so the schema generator will only try to create it if it's not there yet, or remove it, if it's no longer defined in the entity. Index expressions are not bound to any property, rather to the entity itself (we can still define them on both entity and property level).
- reflect-metadata
- ts-morph
- EntitySchema
@Index({ properties: ['name', 'age'] }) // compound index, with generated name
@Index({ name: 'custom_idx_name', properties: ['name'] }) // simple index, with custom name
@Unique({ properties: ['name', 'email'] })
export class Author {
email!: string;
@Index() // generated name
age?: number;
@Index({ name: 'born_index' })
born?: Date;
@Index({ name: 'custom_index_expr', expression: 'alter table `author` add index `custom_index_expr`(`title`)' })
title!: string;
@Index({ properties: ['name', 'age'] }) // compound index, with generated name
@Index({ name: 'custom_idx_name', properties: ['name'] }) // simple index, with custom name
@Unique({ properties: ['name', 'email'] })
export class Author {
email!: string;
@Index() // generated name
age?: number;
@Index({ name: 'born_index' })
born?: Date;
@Index({ name: 'custom_index_expr', expression: 'alter table `author` add index `custom_index_expr`(`title`)' })
title!: string;
export const AuthorSchema = new EntitySchema<Author, CustomBaseEntity>({
class: Author,
indexes: [
{ properties: ['name', 'age'] }, // compound index, with generated name
{ name: 'custom_idx_name', properties: ['name'] }, // simple index, with custom name
{ name: 'custom_index_expr', expression: 'alter table `author` add index `custom_index_expr`(`title`)' },
uniques: [
{ properties: ['name', 'email'] },
properties: {
email: { type: 'string', unique: true }, // generated name
age: { type: 'number', nullable: true, index: true }, // generated name
born: { type: Date, nullable: true, index: 'born_index' },
title: { type: 'string' },
Check constraints
We can define check constraints via @Check()
decorator. We can use it either on entity class, or on entity property. It has a required expression
property, that can be either a string or a callback, that receives map of property names to column names. Note that we need to use the generic type argument if we want TypeScript suggestions for the property names.
Check constraints are currently supported only in postgres driver.
- reflect-metadata
- ts-morph
- EntitySchema
// with generated name based on the table name
@Check({ expression: 'price1 >= 0' })
// with explicit name
@Check({ name: 'foo', expression: columns => `${columns.price1} >= 0` })
// with explicit type argument we get autocomplete on `columns`
@Check<Book>({ expression: columns => `${columns.price1} >= 0` })
export class Book {
id!: number;
price1!: number;
@Check({ expression: 'price2 >= 0' })
price2!: number;
@Property({ check: columns => `${columns.price3} >= 0` })
price3!: number;
// with generated name based on the table name
@Check({ expression: 'price1 >= 0' })
// with explicit name
@Check({ name: 'foo', expression: columns => `${columns.price1} >= 0` })
// with explicit type argument we get autocomplete on `columns`
@Check<Book>({ expression: columns => `${columns.price1} >= 0` })
export class Book {
id!: number;
price1!: number;
@Check({ expression: 'price2 >= 0' })
price2!: number;
@Property({ check: columns => `${columns.price3} >= 0` })
price3!: number;
export const BookSchema = new EntitySchema<Book>({
class: Book,
checks: [
{ expression: 'price1 >= 0' },
{ name: 'foo', expression: columns => `${columns.price1} >= 0` },
{ expression: columns => `${columns.price1} >= 0` },
{ propertyName: 'price2', expression: 'price2 >= 0' },
{ propertyName: 'price3', expression: columns => `${columns.price3} >= 0` },
properties: {
id: { type: 'number', primary: true },
price1: { type: 'number' },
price2: { type: 'number' },
price3: { type: 'number' },
Custom Types
We can define custom types by extending Type
abstract class. It has 4 optional methods:
convertToDatabaseValue(value: any, platform: Platform): any
Converts a value from its JS representation to its database representation of this type.
convertToJSValue(value: any, platform: Platform): any
Converts a value from its database representation to its JS representation of this type.
toJSON(value: any, platform: Platform): any
Converts a value from its JS representation to its serialized JSON form of this type. By default converts to the database value.
getColumnType(prop: EntityProperty, platform: Platform): string
Gets the SQL declaration snippet for a field of this type.
More information can be found in Custom Types section.
Lazy scalar properties
We can mark any property as lazy: true
to omit it from the select clause. This can be handy for properties that are too large, and you want to have them available only sometimes, like a full text of an article.
- reflect-metadata
- ts-morph
- EntitySchema
@Property({ columnType: 'text', lazy: true })
text: string;
@Property({ columnType: 'text', lazy: true })
text: string;
properties: {
text: { columnType: 'text', lazy: true },
We can use populate
parameter to load them.
const b1 = await em.find(Book, 1); // this will omit the `text` property
const b2 = await em.find(Book, 1, { populate: ['text'] }); // this will load the `text` property
If the entity is already loaded and you need to populate a lazy scalar property, you might need to pass
refresh: true
in theFindOptions
Virtual Properties
We can define our properties as virtual, either as a method, or via JavaScript get/set
Following example defines User entity with firstName
and lastName
database fields, that are both hidden from the serialized response, replaced with virtual properties fullName
(defined as a classic method) and fullName2
(defined as a JavaScript getter).
For JavaScript getter you need to provide
{ persist: false }
option otherwise the value would be stored in the database.
- reflect-metadata
- ts-morph
- EntitySchema
export class User {
@Property({ hidden: true })
firstName!: string;
@Property({ hidden: true })
lastName!: string;
@Property({ name: 'fullName' })
getFullName() {
return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;
@Property({ persist: false })
get fullName2() {
return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;
export class User {
@Property({ hidden: true })
firstName!: string;
@Property({ hidden: true })
lastName!: string;
@Property({ name: 'fullName' })
getFullName() {
return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;
@Property({ persist: false })
get fullName2() {
return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;
export class User {
firstName!: string;
lastName!: string;
getFullName() {
return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;
get fullName2() {
return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;
properties: {
firstName: { type: String, hidden: true },
lastName: { type: String, hidden: true },
fullName: { type: 'method', persist: false, getter: true, getterName: 'getFullName' },
fullName2: { type: 'method', persist: false, getter: true },
const repo = em.getRepository(User);
const author = repo.create({ firstName: 'Jon', lastName: 'Snow' });
console.log(author.getFullName()); // 'Jon Snow'
console.log(author.fullName2); // 'Jon Snow'
console.log(wrap(author).toJSON()); // { fullName: 'Jon Snow', fullName2: 'Jon Snow' }
Entity file names
Starting with MikroORM 4.2, there is no limitation for entity file names. It is now also possible to define multiple entities in a single file using folder based discovery.
Using custom base entity
We can define our own base entity with properties that are required on all entities, like primary key and created/updated time. Single table inheritance is also supported.
Read more about this topic in Inheritance Mapping section.
If you are initializing the ORM via
option, you need to specify all your base entities as well.
- reflect-metadata
- ts-morph
- EntitySchema
import { v4 } from 'uuid';
export abstract class CustomBaseEntity {
uuid: string = v4();
createdAt: Date = new Date();
@Property({ onUpdate: () => new Date() })
updatedAt: Date = new Date();
import { v4 } from 'uuid';
export abstract class CustomBaseEntity {
uuid = v4();
createdAt = new Date();
@Property({ onUpdate: () => new Date() })
updatedAt = new Date();
import { v4 } from 'uuid';
export interface CustomBaseEntity {
uuid: string;
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: Date;
export const schema = new EntitySchema<CustomBaseEntity>({
name: 'CustomBaseEntity',
abstract: true,
properties: {
uuid: { type: 'uuid', onCreate: () => v4(), primary: true },
createdAt: { type: 'Date', onCreate: () => new Date(), nullable: true },
updatedAt: { type: 'Date', onCreate: () => new Date(), onUpdate: () => new Date(), nullable: true },
There is a special case, when we need to annotate the base entity - if we are using folder based discovery, and the base entity is not using any decorators (e.g. it does not define any decorated property). In that case, we need to mark it as abstract:
@Entity({ abstract: true })
export abstract class CustomBaseEntity {
// ...
SQL Generated columns
Knex currently does not support generated columns, so the schema generator cannot properly diff them. To work around this, we can set ignoreSchemaChanges
on a property to avoid a perpetual diff from the schema generator
- reflect-metadata
- ts-morph
- EntitySchema
export class Book {
title!: string;
ignoreSchemaChanges: ['type', 'extra'],
titleLower!: string;
export class Book {
title!: string;
ignoreSchemaChanges: ['type', 'extra'],
titleLower!: string;
export interface IBook {
title: string;
titleLower: string;
export const Book = new EntitySchema<IBook>({
name: 'Book',
properties: {
title: { type: String },
titleLower: { type: String, columnType: 'VARCHAR GENERATED ALWAYS AS (LOWER(`title`)) VIRTUAL', ignoreSchemaChanges: ['type', 'extra'] },
Examples of entity definition with various primary keys
Using id as primary key (SQL drivers)
- reflect-metadata
- ts-morph
- EntitySchema
export class Book {
id!: number; // string is also supported
title!: string;
@ManyToOne(() => Author)
author!: Author;
@ManyToOne(() => Publisher, { ref: true, nullable: true })
publisher?: Ref<Publisher>;
export class Book {
id!: number; // string is also supported
title!: string;
author!: Author;
publisher?: Ref<Publisher>;
export interface Book {
id: number;
title: string;
author: Author;
export const BookSchema = new EntitySchema<Book>({
name: 'Book',
properties: {
id: { type: Number, primary: true },
title: { type: String },
author: { reference: 'm:1', entity: 'Author' },
publisher: { reference: 'm:1', entity: 'Publisher', ref: true, nullable: true },
Using UUID as primary key (SQL drivers)
- reflect-metadata
- ts-morph
- EntitySchema
import { v4 } from 'uuid';
export class Book {
uuid: string = v4();
title!: string;
@ManyToOne(() => Author)
author!: Author;
import { v4 } from 'uuid';
export class Book {
uuid = v4();
title!: string;
author!: Author;
export interface IBook {
uuid: string;
title: string;
author: Author;
export const Book = new EntitySchema<IBook>({
name: 'Book',
properties: {
uuid: { type: 'uuid', onCreate: () => v4(), primary: true },
title: { type: 'string' },
author: { entity: () => Author, reference: 'm:1' },
Using PostgreSQL built-in gen_random_uuid function as primary key
- reflect-metadata
- ts-morph
- EntitySchema
export class Book {
@PrimaryKey({ type: 'uuid', defaultRaw: 'gen_random_uuid()' })
uuid: string;
title!: string;
@ManyToOne(() => Author)
author!: Author;
export class Book {
@PrimaryKey({ type: 'uuid', defaultRaw: 'gen_random_uuid()' })
uuid: string;
title!: string;
author!: Author;
export class Book {
uuid: string;
title!: string;
author!: Author;
export const BookSchema = new EntitySchema<Book>({
class: Book,
properties: {
uuid: { type: 'uuid', defaultRaw: 'gen_random_uuid()', primary: true },
title: { type: 'string' },
author: { entity: () => Author, reference: 'm:1' },
Using BigInt as primary key (MySQL and PostgreSQL)
We can use BigIntType
to support bigint
s. By default, it will represent the value as a string
- reflect-metadata
- ts-morph
- EntitySchema
export class Book {
@PrimaryKey({ type: BigIntType })
id: string;
export class Book {
@PrimaryKey({ type: BigIntType })
id: string;
properties: {
id: { type: BigIntType },
If you want to use native bigint
s, read the following guide: Using native BigInt PKs.
Example of Mongo entity
- reflect-metadata
- ts-morph
- EntitySchema
export class Book {
_id!: ObjectId;
id!: string; // string variant of PK, will be handled automatically
title!: string;
@ManyToOne(() => Author)
author!: Author;
export class Book {
_id!: ObjectId;
id!: string; // string variant of PK, will be handled automatically
title!: string;
author!: Author;
export interface IBook {
_id: ObjectId;
id: string;
title: string;
author: Author;
export const Book = new EntitySchema<IBook>({
name: 'Book',
properties: {
_id: { type: 'ObjectId', primary: true },
id: { type: String, serializedPrimaryKey: true },
title: { type: String },
Using MikroORM's BaseEntity (previously WrappedEntity)
From v4 BaseEntity
class is provided with init
, isInitialized
, assign
and other methods that are otherwise available via the wrap()
Usage of the
is optional.
import { BaseEntity } from '@mikro-orm/core';
export class Book extends BaseEntity<Book, 'id'> {
id!: number;
title!: string;
author!: Author;
const book = new Book();
console.log(book.isInitialized()); // true
Having the entities set up, we can now start using entity manager and repositories as described in following sections.