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Version: 3.6

Custom Types

You can define custom types by extending Type abstract class. It has 4 optional methods:

  • convertToDatabaseValue(value: any, platform: Platform): any

    Converts a value from its JS representation to its database representation of this type. By default returns unchanged value.

  • convertToJSValue(value: any, platform: Platform): any

    Converts a value from its database representation to its JS representation of this type. By default returns unchanged value.

  • toJSON(value: any, platform: Platform): any

    Converts a value from its JS representation to its serialized JSON form of this type. By default converts to the database value.

  • getColumnType(prop: EntityProperty, platform: Platform): string

    Gets the SQL declaration snippet for a field of this type. By default returns columnType of given property.

DateType and TimeType types are already implemented in the ORM.

import { Type, Platform, EntityProperty, ValidationError } from 'mikro-orm';

export class DateType extends Type {

convertToDatabaseValue(value: any, platform: Platform): any {
if (value instanceof Date) {
return value.toISOString().substr(0, 10);

if (!value || value.toString().match(/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/)) {
return value;

throw ValidationError.invalidType(DateType, value, 'JS');

convertToJSValue(value: any, platform: Platform): any {
if (!value || value instanceof Date) {
return value;

const date = new Date(value);

if (date.toString() === 'Invalid Date') {
throw ValidationError.invalidType(DateType, value, 'database');

return date;

getColumnType(prop: EntityProperty, platform: Platform) {
return `date(${prop.length})`;


Then you can use this type when defining your entity properties:

export class FooBar {

id!: number;

name!: string;

@Property({ type: DateType, length: 3 })
born?: Date;
