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Version: 6.3

EntityManager <Driver>

The EntityManager is the central access point to ORM functionality. It is a facade to all different ORM subsystems such as UnitOfWork, Query Language, and Repository API.





_id: number = ...



global: false = false


name: string



  • get id(): number
  • Returns the ID of this EntityManager. Respects the context, so global EM will give you the contextual ID if executed inside request context handler.

    Returns number


  • get schema(): undefined | string
  • set schema(schema: undefined | null | string): void
  • Returns the default schema of this EntityManager. Respects the context, so global EM will give you the contextual schema if executed inside request context handler.

    Returns undefined | string

  • Sets the default schema of this EntityManager. Respects the context, so global EM will set the contextual schema if executed inside request context handler.


    • schema: undefined | null | string

    Returns void



  • Registers global filter to this entity manager. Global filters are enabled by default (unless disabled via last parameter).

    Type parameters

    • T1


    Returns void


  • aggregate(entityName: EntityName<any>, pipeline: any[]): Promise<any[]>
  • Shortcut to driver's aggregate method. Available in MongoDriver only.


    Returns Promise<any[]>


  • Shortcut for wrap(entity).assign(data, { em })

    Type parameters


    Returns MergeSelected<Entity, Naked, keyof Data & string>


  • begin(options?: Omit<TransactionOptions, ignoreNestedTransactions> & TransactionOptions): Promise<void>
  • Starts new transaction bound to this EntityManager. Use ctx parameter to provide the parent when nesting transactions.


    Returns Promise<void>


  • canPopulate<Entity>(entityName: EntityName<Entity>, property: string): boolean
  • Checks whether given property can be populated on the entity.

    Type parameters

    • Entity: object


    Returns boolean


  • clear(): void
  • Clears the EntityManager. All entities that are currently managed by this EntityManager become detached.

    Returns void


  • clearCache(cacheKey: string): Promise<void>
  • Clears result cache for given cache key. If we want to be able to call this method, we need to set the cache key explicitly when storing the cache.

    // set the cache key to 'book-cache-key', with expiration of 60s
    const res = await em.find(Book, { ... }, { cache: ['book-cache-key', 60_000] });

    // clear the cache key by name
    await em.clearCache('book-cache-key');


    • cacheKey: string

    Returns Promise<void>


  • commit(): Promise<void>
  • Commits the transaction bound to this EntityManager. Flushes before doing the actual commit query.

    Returns Promise<void>


  • Returns total number of entities matching your where query.

    Type parameters

    • Entity: object
    • Hint: string = never


    Returns Promise<number>


  • Creates new instance of given entity and populates it with given data. The entity constructor will be used unless you provide { managed: true } in the options parameter. The constructor will be given parameters based on the defined constructor of the entity. If the constructor parameter matches a property name, its value will be extracted from data. If no matching property exists, the whole data parameter will be passed. This means we can also define constructor(data: Partial<T>) and em.create() will pass the data into it (unless we have a property named data too).

    The parameters are strictly checked, you need to provide all required properties. You can use OptionalProps symbol to omit some properties from this check without making them optional. Alternatively, use partial: true in the options to disable the strict checks for required properties. This option has no effect on runtime.

    The newly created entity will be automatically marked for persistence via em.persist unless you disable this behavior, either locally via persist: false option, or globally via persistOnCreate ORM config option.

    Type parameters

    • Entity: object
    • Convert: boolean = false


    Returns Entity


  • Finds all entities matching your where query. You can pass additional options via the options parameter.

    Type parameters

    • Entity: object
    • Hint: string = never
    • Fields: string = ALL
    • Excludes: string = never


    Returns Promise<Loaded<Entity, Hint, Fields, Excludes>[]>


  • findAll<Entity, Hint, Fields, Excludes>(entityName: EntityName<Entity>, options?: FindAllOptions<NoInfer<Entity>, Hint, Fields, Excludes>): Promise<Loaded<Entity, Hint, Fields, Excludes>[]>
  • Finds all entities of given type, optionally matching the where condition provided in the options parameter.

    Type parameters

    • Entity: object
    • Hint: string = never
    • Fields: string = *
    • Excludes: string = never


    Returns Promise<Loaded<Entity, Hint, Fields, Excludes>[]>


  • findAndCount<Entity, Hint, Fields, Excludes>(entityName: EntityName<Entity>, where: FilterQuery<NoInfer<Entity>>, options?: FindOptions<Entity, Hint, Fields, Excludes>): Promise<[Loaded<Entity, Hint, Fields, Excludes>[], number]>
  • Calls em.find() and em.count() with the same arguments (where applicable) and returns the results as tuple where the first element is the array of entities, and the second is the count.

    Type parameters

    • Entity: object
    • Hint: string = never
    • Fields: string = *
    • Excludes: string = never


    Returns Promise<[Loaded<Entity, Hint, Fields, Excludes>[], number]>


  • Calls em.find() and em.count() with the same arguments (where applicable) and returns the results as Cursor object. Supports before, after, first and last options while disallowing limit and offset. Explicit orderBy option is required.

    Use first and after for forward pagination, or last and before for backward pagination.

    • first and last are numbers and serve as an alternative to offset, those options are mutually exclusive, use only one at a time
    • before and after specify the previous cursor value, it can be one of the:
      • Cursor instance
      • opaque string provided by startCursor/endCursor properties
      • POJO/entity instance
    const currentCursor = await em.findByCursor(User, {}, {
    first: 10,
    after: previousCursor, // cursor instance
    orderBy: { id: 'desc' },

    // to fetch next page
    const nextCursor = await em.findByCursor(User, {}, {
    first: 10,
    after: currentCursor.endCursor, // opaque string
    orderBy: { id: 'desc' },

    // to fetch next page
    const nextCursor2 = await em.findByCursor(User, {}, {
    first: 10,
    after: { id: lastSeenId }, // entity-like POJO
    orderBy: { id: 'desc' },

    The Cursor object provides the following interface:

    Cursor<User> {
    items: [
    User { ... },
    User { ... },
    User { ... },
    totalCount: 50,
    startCursor: 'WzRd',
    endCursor: 'WzZd',
    hasPrevPage: true,
    hasNextPage: true,

    Type parameters

    • Entity: object
    • Hint: string = never
    • Fields: string = *
    • Excludes: string = never


    Returns Promise<Cursor<Entity, Hint, Fields, Excludes>>


  • Finds first entity matching your where query.

    Type parameters

    • Entity: object
    • Hint: string = never
    • Fields: string = *
    • Excludes: string = never


    Returns Promise<null | Loaded<Entity, Hint, Fields, Excludes>>


  • Finds first entity matching your where query. If nothing found, it will throw an error. If the strict option is specified and nothing is found or more than one matching entity is found, it will throw an error. You can override the factory for creating this method via options.failHandler locally or via Configuration.findOneOrFailHandler (findExactlyOneOrFailHandler when specifying strict) globally.

    Type parameters

    • Entity: object
    • Hint: string = never
    • Fields: string = *
    • Excludes: string = never


    Returns Promise<Loaded<Entity, Hint, Fields, Excludes>>


  • flush(): Promise<void>
  • Flushes all changes to objects that have been queued up to now to the database. This effectively synchronizes the in-memory state of managed objects with the database.

    Returns Promise<void>


  • Returns new EntityManager instance with its own identity map


    Returns this


  • getCollection<T>(entityName: EntityName<T>): Collection<T>
  • Type parameters

    • T: Document


    Returns Collection<T>


  • Gets the EntityComparator.

    Returns EntityComparator


  • getConnection(type?: ConnectionType): ReturnType<Driver[getConnection]>
  • Gets the Connection instance, by default returns write connection


    Returns ReturnType<Driver[getConnection]>


  • getDriver(): Driver
  • Gets the Driver instance used by this EntityManager. Driver is singleton, for one MikroORM instance, only one driver is created.

    Returns Driver


  • Gets the EntityFactory used by the EntityManager.

    Returns EntityFactory


  • Returns EventManager


  • getFilterParams<T>(name: string): T
  • Returns filter parameters for given filter set in this context.

    Type parameters


    • name: string

    Returns T


  • getHydrator(): IHydrator
  • Gets the Hydrator used by the EntityManager.

    Returns IHydrator


  • getLoggerContext<T>(): T
  • Gets logger context for this entity manager.

    Type parameters

    Returns T


  • Gets the MetadataStorage.

    Returns MetadataStorage


  • getPlatform(): ReturnType<Driver[getPlatform]>
  • Gets the platform instance. Just like the driver, platform is singleton, one for a MikroORM instance.

    Returns ReturnType<Driver[getPlatform]>


  • getReference<Entity>(entityName: EntityName<Entity>, id: Entity extends { [PrimaryKeyProp]?: PK } ? PK extends keyof Entity ? ReadonlyPrimary<UnwrapPrimary<Entity[PK]>> : PK extends keyof Entity[] ? ReadonlyPrimary<PrimaryPropToType<Entity, PK>> : PK : Entity extends { _id?: PK } ? string | ReadonlyPrimary<PK> : Entity extends { uuid?: PK } ? ReadonlyPrimary<PK> : Entity extends { id?: PK } ? ReadonlyPrimary<PK> : Entity, options: Omit<GetReferenceOptions, wrapped> & { wrapped: true }): Ref<Entity>
  • getReference<Entity>(entityName: EntityName<Entity>, id: (Entity extends { [PrimaryKeyProp]?: PK } ? PK extends keyof Entity ? ReadonlyPrimary<UnwrapPrimary<Entity[PK]>> : PK extends keyof Entity[] ? ReadonlyPrimary<PrimaryPropToType<Entity, PK>> : PK : Entity extends { _id?: PK } ? string | ReadonlyPrimary<PK> : Entity extends { uuid?: PK } ? ReadonlyPrimary<PK> : Entity extends { id?: PK } ? ReadonlyPrimary<PK> : Entity) | (Entity extends { [PrimaryKeyProp]?: PK } ? PK extends keyof Entity ? ReadonlyPrimary<UnwrapPrimary<Entity[PK]>> : PK extends keyof Entity[] ? ReadonlyPrimary<PrimaryPropToType<Entity, PK>> : PK : Entity extends { _id?: PK } ? string | ReadonlyPrimary<PK> : Entity extends { uuid?: PK } ? ReadonlyPrimary<PK> : Entity extends { id?: PK } ? ReadonlyPrimary<PK> : Entity)[]): Entity
  • getReference<Entity>(entityName: EntityName<Entity>, id: Entity extends { [PrimaryKeyProp]?: PK } ? PK extends keyof Entity ? ReadonlyPrimary<UnwrapPrimary<Entity[PK]>> : PK extends keyof Entity[] ? ReadonlyPrimary<PrimaryPropToType<Entity, PK>> : PK : Entity extends { _id?: PK } ? string | ReadonlyPrimary<PK> : Entity extends { uuid?: PK } ? ReadonlyPrimary<PK> : Entity extends { id?: PK } ? ReadonlyPrimary<PK> : Entity, options: Omit<GetReferenceOptions, wrapped> & { wrapped: false }): Entity
  • getReference<Entity>(entityName: EntityName<Entity>, id: Entity extends { [PrimaryKeyProp]?: PK } ? PK extends keyof Entity ? ReadonlyPrimary<UnwrapPrimary<Entity[PK]>> : PK extends keyof Entity[] ? ReadonlyPrimary<PrimaryPropToType<Entity, PK>> : PK : Entity extends { _id?: PK } ? string | ReadonlyPrimary<PK> : Entity extends { uuid?: PK } ? ReadonlyPrimary<PK> : Entity extends { id?: PK } ? ReadonlyPrimary<PK> : Entity, options?: GetReferenceOptions): Entity | Reference<Entity>
  • Gets a reference to the entity identified by the given type and identifier without actually loading it, if the entity is not yet loaded

    Type parameters

    • Entity: object


    • entityName: EntityName<Entity>
    • id: Entity extends { [PrimaryKeyProp]?: PK } ? PK extends keyof Entity ? ReadonlyPrimary<UnwrapPrimary<Entity[PK]>> : PK extends keyof Entity[] ? ReadonlyPrimary<PrimaryPropToType<Entity, PK>> : PK : Entity extends { _id?: PK } ? string | ReadonlyPrimary<PK> : Entity extends { uuid?: PK } ? ReadonlyPrimary<PK> : Entity extends { id?: PK } ? ReadonlyPrimary<PK> : Entity
    • options: Omit<GetReferenceOptions, wrapped> & { wrapped: true }

    Returns Ref<Entity>



  • getTransactionContext<T>(): undefined | T
  • Gets the transaction context (driver dependent object used to make sure queries are executed on same connection).

    Type parameters

    • T: unknown = any

    Returns undefined | T


  • Gets the UnitOfWork used by the EntityManager to coordinate operations.


    • useContext: boolean = true

    Returns UnitOfWork


  • Gets EntityValidator instance

    Returns EntityValidator


  • insert<Entity>(entityNameOrEntity: Entity | EntityName<Entity>, data?: Entity | RequiredEntityData<Entity>, options?: NativeInsertUpdateOptions<Entity>): Promise<Entity extends { [PrimaryKeyProp]?: PK } ? PK extends keyof Entity ? ReadonlyPrimary<UnwrapPrimary<Entity[PK]>> : PK extends keyof Entity[] ? ReadonlyPrimary<PrimaryPropToType<Entity, PK>> : PK : Entity extends { _id?: PK } ? string | ReadonlyPrimary<PK> : Entity extends { uuid?: PK } ? ReadonlyPrimary<PK> : Entity extends { id?: PK } ? ReadonlyPrimary<PK> : Entity>
  • Fires native insert query. Calling this has no side effects on the context (identity map).

    Type parameters

    • Entity: object


    Returns Promise<Entity extends { [PrimaryKeyProp]?: PK } ? PK extends keyof Entity ? ReadonlyPrimary<UnwrapPrimary<Entity[PK]>> : PK extends keyof Entity[] ? ReadonlyPrimary<PrimaryPropToType<Entity, PK>> : PK : Entity extends { _id?: PK } ? string | ReadonlyPrimary<PK> : Entity extends { uuid?: PK } ? ReadonlyPrimary<PK> : Entity extends { id?: PK } ? ReadonlyPrimary<PK> : Entity>


  • insertMany<Entity>(entityNameOrEntities: EntityName<Entity> | Entity[], data?: Entity[] | RequiredEntityData<Entity>[], options?: NativeInsertUpdateOptions<Entity>): Promise<(Entity extends { [PrimaryKeyProp]?: PK } ? PK extends keyof Entity ? ReadonlyPrimary<UnwrapPrimary<Entity[PK]>> : PK extends keyof Entity[] ? ReadonlyPrimary<PrimaryPropToType<Entity, PK>> : PK : Entity extends { _id?: PK } ? string | ReadonlyPrimary<PK> : Entity extends { uuid?: PK } ? ReadonlyPrimary<PK> : Entity extends { id?: PK } ? ReadonlyPrimary<PK> : Entity)[]>
  • Fires native multi-insert query. Calling this has no side effects on the context (identity map).

    Type parameters

    • Entity: object


    Returns Promise<(Entity extends { [PrimaryKeyProp]?: PK } ? PK extends keyof Entity ? ReadonlyPrimary<UnwrapPrimary<Entity[PK]>> : PK extends keyof Entity[] ? ReadonlyPrimary<PrimaryPropToType<Entity, PK>> : PK : Entity extends { _id?: PK } ? string | ReadonlyPrimary<PK> : Entity extends { uuid?: PK } ? ReadonlyPrimary<PK> : Entity extends { id?: PK } ? ReadonlyPrimary<PK> : Entity)[]>


  • isInTransaction(): boolean
  • Checks whether this EntityManager is currently operating inside a database transaction.

    Returns boolean


  • Runs your callback wrapped inside a database transaction.

    Type parameters

    • T: object


    Returns Promise<void>


  • Maps raw database result to an entity and merges it to this EntityManager.

    Type parameters

    • Entity: object


    Returns Entity


  • Merges given entity to this EntityManager so it becomes managed. You can force refreshing of existing entities via second parameter. By default, it will return already loaded entities without modifying them.

    Type parameters

    • Entity: object


    Returns Entity


  • Fires native delete query. Calling this has no side effects on the context (identity map).

    Type parameters

    • Entity: object


    Returns Promise<number>


  • Fires native update query. Calling this has no side effects on the context (identity map).

    Type parameters

    • Entity: object


    Returns Promise<number>


  • persist<Entity>(entity: Entity | Reference<Entity> | Iterable<Entity | Reference<Entity>>): this
  • Tells the EntityManager to make an instance managed and persistent. The entity will be entered into the database at or before transaction commit or as a result of the flush operation.

    Type parameters

    • Entity: object


    Returns this


  • persistAndFlush(entity: Partial<any> | Reference<Partial<any>> | Iterable<Partial<any> | Reference<Partial<any>>>): Promise<void>
  • Persists your entity immediately, flushing all not yet persisted changes to the database too. Equivalent to em.persist(e).flush().


    • entity: Partial<any> | Reference<Partial<any>> | Iterable<Partial<any> | Reference<Partial<any>>>

    Returns Promise<void>


  • populate<Entity, Naked, Hint, Fields, Excludes>(entities: Entity, populate: false | AutoPath<Naked, Hint, ALL>[], options?: EntityLoaderOptions<Naked, Fields, Excludes>): Promise<Entity extends object[] ? MergeLoaded<ArrayElement<Entity>, Naked, Hint, Fields, Excludes>[] : MergeLoaded<Entity, Naked, Hint, Fields, Excludes>>
  • Loads specified relations in batch. This will execute one query for each relation, that will populate it on all the specified entities.

    Type parameters

    • Entity: object
    • Naked: any = FromEntityType<UnboxArray<Entity>>
    • Hint: string = never
    • Fields: string = *
    • Excludes: string = never


    Returns Promise<Entity extends object[] ? MergeLoaded<ArrayElement<Entity>, Naked, Hint, Fields, Excludes>[] : MergeLoaded<Entity, Naked, Hint, Fields, Excludes>>


  • refresh<Entity, Naked, Hint, Fields, Excludes>(entity: Entity, options?: FindOneOptions<Entity, Hint, Fields, Excludes>): Promise<null | MergeLoaded<Entity, Naked, Hint, Fields, Excludes, true>>
  • Refreshes the persistent state of an entity from the database, overriding any local changes that have not yet been persisted. Returns the same entity instance (same object reference), but re-hydrated. If the entity is no longer in database, the method returns null.

    Type parameters

    • Entity: object
    • Naked: unknown = FromEntityType<Entity>
    • Hint: string = never
    • Fields: string = *
    • Excludes: string = never


    • entity: Entity
    • options: FindOneOptions<Entity, Hint, Fields, Excludes> = {}

    Returns Promise<null | MergeLoaded<Entity, Naked, Hint, Fields, Excludes, true>>


  • refreshOrFail<Entity, Naked, Hint, Fields, Excludes>(entity: Entity, options?: FindOneOrFailOptions<Entity, Hint, Fields, Excludes>): Promise<MergeLoaded<Entity, Naked, Hint, Fields, Excludes, true>>
  • Refreshes the persistent state of an entity from the database, overriding any local changes that have not yet been persisted. Returns the same entity instance (same object reference), but re-hydrated. If the entity is no longer in database, the method throws an error just like em.findOneOrFail() (and respects the same config options).

    Type parameters

    • Entity: object
    • Naked: unknown = FromEntityType<Entity>
    • Hint: string = never
    • Fields: string = *
    • Excludes: string = never


    Returns Promise<MergeLoaded<Entity, Naked, Hint, Fields, Excludes, true>>


  • remove<Entity>(entity: Entity | Reference<Entity> | Iterable<Entity | Reference<Entity>>): this
  • Marks entity for removal. A removed entity will be removed from the database at or before transaction commit or as a result of the flush operation.

    To remove entities by condition, use em.nativeDelete().

    Type parameters

    • Entity: object


    Returns this


  • removeAndFlush(entity: Partial<any> | Reference<Partial<any>> | Iterable<Partial<any> | Reference<Partial<any>>>): Promise<void>
  • Removes an entity instance immediately, flushing all not yet persisted changes to the database too. Equivalent to em.remove(e).flush()


    • entity: Partial<any> | Reference<Partial<any>> | Iterable<Partial<any> | Reference<Partial<any>>>

    Returns Promise<void>



  • resetTransactionContext(): void
  • Resets the transaction context.

    Returns void


  • rollback(): Promise<void>
  • Rollbacks the transaction bound to this EntityManager.

    Returns Promise<void>


  • setFilterParams(name: string, args: Dictionary): void
  • Sets filter parameter values globally inside context defined by this entity manager. If you want to set shared value for all contexts, be sure to use the root entity manager.


    Returns void


  • Parameters

    Returns void


  • Sets logger context for this entity manager.


    Returns void


  • setTransactionContext(ctx: any): void
  • Sets the transaction context.


    • ctx: any

    Returns void


  • transactional<T>(cb: (em: this) => Promise<T>, options?: TransactionOptions & TransactionOptions): Promise<T>
  • Runs your callback wrapped inside a database transaction.

    Type parameters

    • T


    Returns Promise<T>


  • Creates or updates the entity, based on whether it is already present in the database. This method performs an insert on conflict merge query ensuring the database is in sync, returning a managed entity instance. The method accepts either entityName together with the entity data, or just entity instance.

    // insert into "author" ("age", "email") values (33, '') on conflict ("email") do update set "age" = 41
    const author = await em.upsert(Author, { email: '', age: 33 });

    The entity data needs to contain either the primary key, or any other unique property. Let's consider the following example, where is a unique property:

    // insert into "author" ("age", "email") values (33, '') on conflict ("email") do update set "age" = 41
    // select "id" from "author" where "email" = ''
    const author = await em.upsert(Author, { email: '', age: 33 });

    Depending on the driver support, this will either use a returning query, or a separate select query, to fetch the primary key if it's missing from the data.

    If the entity is already present in current context, there won't be any queries - instead, the entity data will be assigned and an explicit flush will be required for those changes to be persisted.

    Type parameters

    • Entity: object


    Returns Promise<Entity>


  • Creates or updates the entity, based on whether it is already present in the database. This method performs an insert on conflict merge query ensuring the database is in sync, returning a managed entity instance. The method accepts either entityName together with the entity data, or just entity instance.

    // insert into "author" ("age", "email") values (33, '') on conflict ("email") do update set "age" = 41
    const authors = await em.upsertMany(Author, [{ email: '', age: 33 }, ...]);

    The entity data needs to contain either the primary key, or any other unique property. Let's consider the following example, where is a unique property:

    // insert into "author" ("age", "email") values (33, ''), (666, '') on conflict ("email") do update set "age" = excluded."age"
    // select "id" from "author" where "email" = ''
    const author = await em.upsertMany(Author, [
    { email: '', age: 33 },
    { email: '', age: 666 },

    Depending on the driver support, this will either use a returning query, or a separate select query, to fetch the primary key if it's missing from the data.

    If the entity is already present in current context, there won't be any queries - instead, the entity data will be assigned and an explicit flush will be required for those changes to be persisted.

    Type parameters

    • Entity: object


    Returns Promise<Entity[]>