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Version: 6.3

Configuration <D, EM>






DEFAULTS: { allowGlobalContext: false; assign: { mergeEmbeddedProperties: true; mergeObjectProperties: false; updateByPrimaryKey: true; updateNestedEntities: true }; autoJoinOneToOneOwner: true; autoJoinRefsForFilters: true; baseDir: string; batchSize: number; colors: true; connect: true; context: (name: string) => undefined | EntityManager<IDatabaseDriver<Connection>>; contextName: string; dataloader: NONE; debug: false; discovery: { alwaysAnalyseProperties: true; checkDuplicateEntities: true; checkDuplicateFieldNames: true; checkDuplicateTableNames: true; disableDynamicFileAccess: false; inferDefaultValues: true; requireEntitiesArray: false; warnWhenNoEntities: true }; driverOptions: {}; dynamicImportProvider: (id: string) => Promise<any>; ensureDatabase: true; ensureIndexes: false; entities: never[]; entitiesTs: never[]; entityGenerator: { bidirectionalRelations: false; fileName: (className: string) => string; identifiedReferences: false; onlyPurePivotTables: false; outputPurePivotTables: false; readOnlyPivotTables: false; scalarPropertiesForRelations: never; scalarTypeInDecorator: false; useCoreBaseEntity: false }; extensions: never[]; filters: {}; findExactlyOneOrFailHandler: (entityName: string, where: IPrimaryKeyValue | Dictionary) => NotFoundError<Partial<any>>; findOneOrFailHandler: (entityName: string, where: IPrimaryKeyValue | Dictionary) => NotFoundError<Partial<any>>; flushMode: AUTO; forceEntityConstructor: false; forceUndefined: false; forceUtcTimezone: false; highlighter: NullHighlighter; hydrator: typeof ObjectHydrator; ignoreUndefinedInQuery: false; loadStrategy: JOINED; logger: (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void; metadataCache: { adapter: typeof FileCacheAdapter; options: { cacheDir: string }; pretty: false }; metadataProvider: typeof ReflectMetadataProvider; migrations: { allOrNothing: true; disableForeignKeys: true; dropTables: true; emit: ts; fileName: (timestamp: string, name?: string) => string; glob: string; path: string; safe: false; silent: false; snapshot: true; tableName: string; transactional: true }; persistOnCreate: true; pool: {}; populateAfterFlush: true; populateWhere: ALL; preferReadReplicas: true; propagationOnPrototype: true; resultCache: { adapter: typeof MemoryCacheAdapter; expiration: number; options: {} }; schemaGenerator: { createForeignKeyConstraints: true; disableForeignKeys: true; ignoreSchema: never[] }; seeder: { defaultSeeder: string; emit: ts; fileName: (className: string) => string; glob: string; path: string }; serialization: { includePrimaryKeys: true }; strict: false; subscribers: never[]; validate: false; validateRequired: true; verbose: false } = ...

Type declaration

  • allowGlobalContext: false
  • assign: { mergeEmbeddedProperties: true; mergeObjectProperties: false; updateByPrimaryKey: true; updateNestedEntities: true }
    • mergeEmbeddedProperties: true
    • mergeObjectProperties: false
    • updateByPrimaryKey: true
    • updateNestedEntities: true
  • autoJoinOneToOneOwner: true
  • autoJoinRefsForFilters: true
  • baseDir: string
  • batchSize: number
  • colors: true
  • connect: true
  • context: (name: string) => undefined | EntityManager<IDatabaseDriver<Connection>>
  • contextName: string
  • dataloader: NONE
  • debug: false
  • discovery: { alwaysAnalyseProperties: true; checkDuplicateEntities: true; checkDuplicateFieldNames: true; checkDuplicateTableNames: true; disableDynamicFileAccess: false; inferDefaultValues: true; requireEntitiesArray: false; warnWhenNoEntities: true }
    • alwaysAnalyseProperties: true
    • checkDuplicateEntities: true
    • checkDuplicateFieldNames: true
    • checkDuplicateTableNames: true
    • disableDynamicFileAccess: false
    • inferDefaultValues: true
    • requireEntitiesArray: false
    • warnWhenNoEntities: true
  • driverOptions: {}
    • dynamicImportProvider: (id: string) => Promise<any>
        • (id: string): Promise<any>
        • Parameters

          • id: string

          Returns Promise<any>

    • ensureDatabase: true
    • ensureIndexes: false
    • entities: never[]
    • entitiesTs: never[]
    • entityGenerator: { bidirectionalRelations: false; fileName: (className: string) => string; identifiedReferences: false; onlyPurePivotTables: false; outputPurePivotTables: false; readOnlyPivotTables: false; scalarPropertiesForRelations: never; scalarTypeInDecorator: false; useCoreBaseEntity: false }
      • bidirectionalRelations: false
      • fileName: (className: string) => string
          • (className: string): string
          • Parameters

            • className: string

            Returns string

      • identifiedReferences: false
      • onlyPurePivotTables: false
      • outputPurePivotTables: false
      • readOnlyPivotTables: false
      • scalarPropertiesForRelations: never
      • scalarTypeInDecorator: false
      • useCoreBaseEntity: false
    • extensions: never[]
    • filters: {}
      • findExactlyOneOrFailHandler: (entityName: string, where: IPrimaryKeyValue | Dictionary) => NotFoundError<Partial<any>>
      • findOneOrFailHandler: (entityName: string, where: IPrimaryKeyValue | Dictionary) => NotFoundError<Partial<any>>
      • flushMode: AUTO
      • forceEntityConstructor: false
      • forceUndefined: false
      • forceUtcTimezone: false
      • highlighter: NullHighlighter
      • hydrator: typeof ObjectHydrator
      • ignoreUndefinedInQuery: false
      • loadStrategy: JOINED
      • logger: (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void
          • (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void
          • Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

            const count = 5;
            console.log('count: %d', count);
            // Prints: count: 5, to stdout
            console.log('count:', count);
            // Prints: count: 5, to stdout

            See util.format() for more information.




            • optionalmessage: any
            • rest...optionalParams: any[]

            Returns void

      • metadataCache: { adapter: typeof FileCacheAdapter; options: { cacheDir: string }; pretty: false }
        • adapter: typeof FileCacheAdapter
        • options: { cacheDir: string }
          • cacheDir: string
        • pretty: false
      • metadataProvider: typeof ReflectMetadataProvider
      • migrations: { allOrNothing: true; disableForeignKeys: true; dropTables: true; emit: ts; fileName: (timestamp: string, name?: string) => string; glob: string; path: string; safe: false; silent: false; snapshot: true; tableName: string; transactional: true }
        • allOrNothing: true
        • disableForeignKeys: true
        • dropTables: true
        • emit: ts
        • fileName: (timestamp: string, name?: string) => string
            • (timestamp: string, name?: string): string
            • Parameters

              • timestamp: string
              • optionalname: string

              Returns string

        • glob: string
        • path: string
        • safe: false
        • silent: false
        • snapshot: true
        • tableName: string
        • transactional: true
      • persistOnCreate: true
      • pool: {}
        • populateAfterFlush: true
        • populateWhere: ALL
        • preferReadReplicas: true
        • propagationOnPrototype: true
        • resultCache: { adapter: typeof MemoryCacheAdapter; expiration: number; options: {} }
        • schemaGenerator: { createForeignKeyConstraints: true; disableForeignKeys: true; ignoreSchema: never[] }
          • createForeignKeyConstraints: true
          • disableForeignKeys: true
          • ignoreSchema: never[]
        • seeder: { defaultSeeder: string; emit: ts; fileName: (className: string) => string; glob: string; path: string }
          • defaultSeeder: string
          • emit: ts
          • fileName: (className: string) => string
              • (className: string): string
              • Parameters

                • className: string

                Returns string

          • glob: string
          • path: string
        • serialization: { includePrimaryKeys: true }
          • includePrimaryKeys: true
        • strict: false
        • subscribers: never[]
        • validate: false
        • validateRequired: true
        • verbose: false



        • get<T, U>(key: T, defaultValue?: U): U



        • getCachedService<T>(cls: T, ...args: ConstructorParameters<T>): InstanceType<T>
        • Creates instance of given service and caches it.

          Type parameters

          • T: new (...args: any[]) => InstanceType<T>


          • cls: T
          • rest...args: ConstructorParameters<T>

          Returns InstanceType<T>


        • getClientUrl(hidePassword?: boolean): string
        • Gets current client URL (connection string).


          • hidePassword: boolean = false

          Returns string



        • getDriver(): D
        • Gets current database driver instance.

          Returns D


        • getExtension<T>(name: string): undefined | T
        • Type parameters

          • T


          • name: string

          Returns undefined | T


        • Gets instance of Hydrator. (cached)


          Returns IHydrator


        • Gets Logger instance.

          Returns Logger






        • Gets instance of CacheAdapter for result cache. (cached)

          Returns CacheAdapter


        • registerExtension(name: string, cb: () => unknown): void
        • Parameters

          • name: string
          • cb: () => unknown

          Returns void


        • reset<T>(key: T): void
        • Resets the configuration to its default value

          Type parameters


          • key: T

          Returns void


        • resetServiceCache(): void
        • Returns void


        • set<T, U>(key: T, value: U): void