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Version: 6.3







Type Aliases


Type Aliases


AnyEntity<T>: Partial<T>

Type parameters

  • T = any


AutoPath<O, P, E, D>: P extends boolean ? P : [D] extends [never] ? never : P extends any ? P extends string ? ((P & `${string}.`) extends never ? P : P & `${string}.`) extends infer Q ? Q extends `${infer A}.${infer B}` ? A extends StringKeys<O, E> ? `${A}.${AutoPath<NonNullable<GetStringKey<..., ..., ...>>, B, E, Prev[D]>}` : never : Q extends StringKeys<O, E> ? (NonNullable<...> extends unknown ? Exclude<..., ...> : never) | (StringKeys<..., ...> extends never ? never : `${...}.`) : StringKeys<O, E> | `${CollectionKeys<O>}:ref` : never : never : never

Type parameters

  • O
  • P: string | boolean
  • E: string = never
  • D: Prev[number] = 9


Cast<T, R>: T extends R ? T : R

Type parameters

  • T
  • R


CheckCallback<T>: (columns: Record<keyof T, string>) => string

Type parameters

  • T

Type declaration

    • (columns: Record<keyof T, string>): string
    • Parameters

      • columns: Record<keyof T, string>

      Returns string


CheckOptions<T>: CheckConstraint<T>

Type parameters

  • T = any


ConnectionType: read | write


Constructor<T>: new (...args: any[]) => T

Type parameters

  • T = unknown

Type declaration

    • new (...args: any[]): T
    • Parameters

      • rest...args: any[]

      Returns T


DeepPartial<T>: T & { [ P in keyof T ]?: T[P] extends infer U[] ? DeepPartial<U>[] : T[P] extends Readonly<infer U>[] ? Readonly<DeepPartial<U>>[] : DeepPartial<T[P]> }

Type parameters

  • T


DefineConfig<T>: T & { [___config]?: 1 }

Type parameters


Dictionary<T>: {}

Type parameters

  • T = any

Type declaration

  • [k string]: T


EmbeddableOptions: { abstract?: boolean; discriminatorColumn?: string; discriminatorMap?: Dictionary<string>; discriminatorValue?: number | string }

Type declaration

  • optionalabstract?: boolean
  • optionaldiscriminatorColumn?: string
  • optionaldiscriminatorMap?: Dictionary<string>
  • optionaldiscriminatorValue?: number | string


EmbeddedOptions: { array?: boolean; entity?: string | () => AnyEntity | AnyEntity[]; groups?: string[]; hidden?: boolean; nullable?: boolean; object?: boolean; persist?: boolean; prefix?: string | boolean; serializedName?: string; serializer?: (value: any) => any; type?: string }

Type declaration

  • optionalarray?: boolean
  • optionalentity?: string | () => AnyEntity | AnyEntity[]
  • optionalgroups?: string[]
  • optionalhidden?: boolean
  • optionalnullable?: boolean
  • optionalobject?: boolean
  • optionalpersist?: boolean
  • optionalprefix?: string | boolean
  • optionalserializedName?: string
  • optionalserializer?: (value: any) => any
      • (value: any): any
      • Parameters

        • value: any

        Returns any

  • optionaltype?: string


EntityClass<T>: Function & { prototype: T }

Type parameters

  • T


EntityClassGroup<T>: { entity: EntityClass<T>; schema: EntityMetadata<T> | EntitySchema<T> }

Type parameters

  • T

Type declaration


EntityDTO<T, C>: { [ K in keyof T as DTORequiredKeys<T, K> ]: EntityDTOProp<T, T[K], C> | AddOptional<T[K]> } & { [ K in keyof T as DTOOptionalKeys<T, K> ]?: EntityDTOProp<T, T[K], C> | AddOptional<T[K]> }

Type parameters


EntityData<T, C>: { [ K in EntityKey<T> ]?: EntityDataItem<T[K], C> }

Type parameters

  • T
  • C: boolean = false


EntityDictionary<T>: EntityData<T> & Record<any, any>

Type parameters

  • T


EntityField<T, P>: keyof T | PopulatePath.ALL | AutoPath<T, P, `${PopulatePath.ALL}`>

Type parameters

  • T
  • P: string = PopulatePath.ALL


EntityKey<T, B>: string & { [ K in keyof T ]-?: CleanKeys<T, K, B> extends never ? never : K }[keyof T]

Type parameters

  • T = unknown
  • B: boolean = false


EntityLoaderOptions<Entity, Fields, Excludes>: { connectionType?: ConnectionType; convertCustomTypes?: boolean; exclude?: readonly EntityField<Entity, Excludes>[]; fields?: readonly EntityField<Entity, Fields>[]; filters?: Dictionary<boolean | Dictionary> | string[] | boolean; ignoreLazyScalarProperties?: boolean; lockMode?: Exclude<LockMode, LockMode.OPTIMISTIC>; logging?: LoggingOptions; lookup?: boolean; orderBy?: QueryOrderMap<Entity> | QueryOrderMap<Entity>[]; populateWhere?: PopulateHint | `${PopulateHint}`; refresh?: boolean; schema?: string; strategy?: LoadStrategy; validate?: boolean; where?: FilterQuery<Entity> }

Type parameters

  • Entity
  • Fields: string = PopulatePath.ALL
  • Excludes: string = never

Type declaration


EntityName<T>: string | EntityClass<T> | EntitySchema<T, any> | { name: string }

Type parameters

  • T


EntityOptions<T>: { abstract?: boolean; collection?: string; comment?: string; discriminatorColumn?: string; discriminatorMap?: Dictionary<string>; discriminatorValue?: number | string; expression?: string | (em: any, where: FilterQuery<T>, options: FindOptions<T, any, any, any>) => object; forceConstructor?: boolean; readonly?: boolean; repository?: () => Constructor; schema?: string; tableName?: string; virtual?: boolean }

Type parameters

  • T

Type declaration

  • optionalabstract?: boolean
  • optionalcollection?: string
  • optionalcomment?: string
  • optionaldiscriminatorColumn?: string
  • optionaldiscriminatorMap?: Dictionary<string>
  • optionaldiscriminatorValue?: number | string
  • optionalexpression?: string | (em: any, where: FilterQuery<T>, options: FindOptions<T, any, any, any>) => object
  • optionalforceConstructor?: boolean
  • optionalreadonly?: boolean
  • optionalrepository?: () => Constructor
  • optionalschema?: string
  • optionaltableName?: string
  • optionalvirtual?: boolean


EntityProps<T>: { -readonly [ K in EntityKey<T> ]?: T[K] }

Type parameters

  • T


EntityRef<T>: true extends IsUnknown<PrimaryProperty<T>> ? Reference<T> : IsAny<T> extends true ? Reference<T> : { [ K in PrimaryProperty<T> & keyof T ]: T[K] } & Reference<T>

Alias for Reference<T> & { id: number } (see Ref).

Type parameters

  • T: object


EntitySchemaMetadata<Entity, Base>: Omit<Partial<EntityMetadata<Entity>>, name | properties | extends> & ({ name: string } | { class: EntityClass<Entity>; name?: string }) & { extends?: string | EntitySchema<Base> } & { properties?: { [ Key in keyof OmitBaseProps<Entity, Base> as CleanKeys<OmitBaseProps<Entity, Base>, Key> ]-?: EntitySchemaProperty<ExpandProperty<NonNullable<Entity[Key]>>, Entity> } }

Type parameters

  • Entity
  • Base = never


EntitySchemaProperty<Target, Owner>: ({ kind: ReferenceKind.MANY_TO_ONE | m:1 } & TypeDef<Target> & ManyToOneOptions<Owner, Target>) | ({ kind: ReferenceKind.ONE_TO_ONE | 1:1 } & TypeDef<Target> & OneToOneOptions<Owner, Target>) | ({ kind: ReferenceKind.ONE_TO_MANY | 1:m } & TypeDef<Target> & OneToManyOptions<Owner, Target>) | ({ kind: ReferenceKind.MANY_TO_MANY | m:n } & TypeDef<Target> & ManyToManyOptions<Owner, Target>) | ({ kind: ReferenceKind.EMBEDDED | embedded } & EmbeddedTypeDef<Target> & EmbeddedOptions & PropertyOptions<Owner>) | ({ enum: true } & EnumOptions<Owner>) | (TypeDef<Target> & PropertyOptions<Owner>)

Type parameters

  • Target
  • Owner


EntityType<T>: T | LoadedEntityType<T>

Type parameters

  • T


EntityValue<T>: T[EntityKey<T>]

Type parameters

  • T


ExpandHint<T, L>: L | AddEager<T>

Type parameters

  • T
  • L: string


ExpandProperty<T>: T extends Reference<infer U> ? NonNullable<U> : T extends Collection<infer U, any> ? NonNullable<U> : T extends infer U[] ? NonNullable<U> : NonNullable<T>

Type parameters

  • T


ExpandQuery<T>: T extends object ? T extends Scalar ? never : FilterQuery<T> : FilterValue<T>

Type parameters

  • T


ExpandScalar<T>: null | (T extends string ? T | RegExp : T extends Date ? Date | string : T extends bigint ? bigint | string | number : T)

Type parameters

  • T


FilterItemValue<T>: T | ExpandScalar<T> | Primary<T>

Type parameters

  • T


FilterKey<T>: keyof FilterQuery<T>

Type parameters

  • T


FilterObject<T>: { -readonly [ K in EntityKey<T> ]?: ExpandQuery<ExpandProperty<T[K]>> | FilterValue<ExpandProperty<T[K]>> | null }

Type parameters

  • T


FilterOptions: Dictionary<boolean | Dictionary> | string[] | boolean


FilterQuery<T>: ObjectQuery<T> | NonNullable<ExpandScalar<Primary<T>>> | NonNullable<EntityProps<T> & OperatorMap<T>> | FilterQuery<T>[]

Type parameters

  • T


FilterValue<T>: OperatorMap<FilterItemValue<T>> | FilterItemValue<T> | FilterItemValue<T>[] | null

Type parameters

  • T


FromEntityType<T>: T extends LoadedEntityType<infer U> ? U : T

Type parameters

  • T


GetRepository<Entity, Fallback>: Entity[typeof EntityRepositoryType] extends EntityRepository<Entity> | undefined ? NonNullable<Entity[typeof EntityRepositoryType]> : Fallback

Type parameters

  • Entity: {}
  • Fallback


Hidden<T>: T & { [___hidden]?: 1 }

Type parameters

  • T = unknown


IPrimaryKey<T>: T

Type parameters

  • T: IPrimaryKeyValue = IPrimaryKeyValue


IType<Runtime, Raw, Serialized>: Runtime & { __raw?: Raw; __runtime?: Runtime; __serialized?: Serialized }

Type parameters

  • Runtime
  • Raw
  • Serialized = Raw


ImportsResolver: (alias: string, basePath: string, extension: .js | , originFileName: string) => { name: string; path: string } | undefined

Type declaration

    • (alias: string, basePath: string, extension: .js | , originFileName: string): { name: string; path: string } | undefined
    • Parameters

      • alias: string
      • basePath: string
      • extension: .js |
      • originFileName: string

      Returns { name: string; path: string } | undefined


IsSubset<T, U>: keyof U extends keyof T ? {} : Dictionary extends U ? {} : { [ K in keyof U as K extends keyof T ? never : CleanKeys<U, K> ]: never }

Type parameters

  • T
  • U


IsUnknown<T>: T extends unknown ? unknown extends T ? true : never : never

Type parameters

  • T


Loaded<T, L, F, E>: LoadedInternal<T, L, F, E> & { [___loadedType]?: T }

Represents entity with its loaded relations (populate hint) and selected properties (fields hint).

Type parameters

  • T
  • L: string = never
  • F: string = *
  • E: string = never


LoggerNamespace: query | query-params | schema | discovery | info


LoggingOptions: Pick<LogContext, label | enabled | debugMode>

Logger options to modify format output and overrides, including a label and additional properties that can be accessed by custom loggers.

Differs from LoggerOptions in terms of how they are used; this type is primarily a public type meant to be used within methods like em.find().

await em.findOne(User, 1, { logger: { label: 'user middleware' } };
// [query] (user middleware) select * from user where id = 1;


MergeLoaded<T, U, P, F, E, R>: T extends Loaded<U, infer PP, infer FF, infer EE> ? string extends FF ? Loaded<T, P, F, AnyStringToNever<EE> | E> : string extends P ? Loaded<U, never, F | (FF & string), MergeExcludes<F | (FF & string), EE | E>> : Loaded<U, P | AnyStringToNever<PP>, MergeFields<F, AnyStringToNever<FF>, P, PP>, MergeExcludes<MergeFields<F, AnyStringToNever<FF>, P, PP>, (R extends true ? never : EE) | E>> : Loaded<T, P, F>

Type parameters

  • T
  • U
  • P: string
  • F: string
  • E: string
  • R: boolean = false


MergeSelected<T, U, F>: T extends Loaded<infer TT, infer P, infer FF, infer E> ? IsNever<Exclude<E, F>> extends true ? Loaded<TT, P, AnyStringToNever<F> | AnyStringToNever<FF>> : Loaded<TT, AnyStringToNever<P>, AnyStringToNever<FF>, AnyStringToNever<Exclude<E, F>>> : T

Type parameters

  • T
  • U
  • F: string


MetadataProcessor: (metadata: EntityMetadata[], platform: Platform) => MaybePromise<void>

Type declaration


MigrateOptions: { from?: string | number; migrations?: string[]; to?: string | number; transaction?: Transaction }

Type declaration

  • optionalfrom?: string | number
  • optionalmigrations?: string[]
  • optionalto?: string | number
  • optionaltransaction?: Transaction


MigrationResult: { code: string; diff: MigrationDiff; fileName: string }

Type declaration


MigrationRow: { executed_at: Date; name: string }

Type declaration

  • executed_at: Date
  • name: string


MigrationsOptions: { allOrNothing?: boolean; disableForeignKeys?: boolean; dropTables?: boolean; emit?: js | ts | cjs; fileName?: (timestamp: string, name?: string) => string; generator?: Constructor<IMigrationGenerator>; glob?: string; migrationsList?: MigrationObject[]; path?: string; pathTs?: string; safe?: boolean; silent?: boolean; snapshot?: boolean; snapshotName?: string; tableName?: string; transactional?: boolean }

Type declaration

  • optionalallOrNothing?: boolean
  • optionaldisableForeignKeys?: boolean
  • optionaldropTables?: boolean
  • optionalemit?: js | ts | cjs
  • optionalfileName?: (timestamp: string, name?: string) => string
      • (timestamp: string, name?: string): string
      • Parameters

        • timestamp: string
        • optionalname: string

        Returns string

  • optionalgenerator?: Constructor<IMigrationGenerator>
  • optionalglob?: string
  • optionalmigrationsList?: MigrationObject[]
  • optionalpath?: string
  • optionalpathTs?: string
  • optionalsafe?: boolean
  • optionalsilent?: boolean
  • optionalsnapshot?: boolean
  • optionalsnapshotName?: string
  • optionaltableName?: string
  • optionaltransactional?: boolean


New<T, P>: Loaded<T, P>

Type parameters

  • T
  • P: string = string


NoInfer<T>: [T][T extends any ? 0 : never]

Type parameters

  • T


ObjectQuery<T>: OperatorMap<T> & FilterObject<T>

Type parameters

  • T


OneToManyOptions<Owner, Target>: ReferenceOptions<Owner, Target> & { entity?: string | () => EntityName<Target>; inverseJoinColumn?: string; inverseJoinColumns?: string[]; joinColumn?: string; joinColumns?: string[]; mappedBy: (string & keyof Target) | (e: Target) => any; orderBy?: QueryOrderMap<Target> | QueryOrderMap<Target>[]; orphanRemoval?: boolean; referenceColumnName?: string; where?: FilterQuery<Target> }

Type parameters

  • Owner
  • Target


Opt<T>: T & { [___optional]?: 1 }

Type parameters

  • T = unknown


Options<D, EM>: Pick<MikroORMOptions<D, EM>, Exclude<keyof MikroORMOptions<D, EM>, keyof typeof Configuration.DEFAULTS>> & Partial<MikroORMOptions<D, EM>>


OrderDefinition<T>: (QueryOrderMap<T> & { 0?: never }) | QueryOrderMap<T>[]

Type parameters

  • T


Populate<T, P>: readonly AutoPath<T, P, `${PopulatePath}`>[] | false

Type parameters

  • T
  • P: string = never


PopulateOptions<T>: { all?: boolean; children?: PopulateOptions<T[keyof T]>[]; field: EntityKey<T>; filter?: boolean; strategy?: LoadStrategy }

Type parameters

  • T

Type declaration


Primary<T>: IsAny<T> extends true ? any : T extends { [PrimaryKeyProp]?: infer PK } ? PK extends keyof T ? ReadonlyPrimary<UnwrapPrimary<T[PK]>> : PK extends keyof T[] ? ReadonlyPrimary<PrimaryPropToType<T, PK>> : PK : T extends { _id?: infer PK } ? ReadonlyPrimary<PK> | string : T extends { uuid?: infer PK } ? ReadonlyPrimary<PK> : T extends { id?: infer PK } ? ReadonlyPrimary<PK> : T

Type parameters

  • T


PrimaryProperty<T>: T extends { [PrimaryKeyProp]?: infer PK } ? PK extends keyof T ? PK : PK extends any[] ? PK[number] : never : T extends { _id?: any } ? T extends { id?: any } ? id | _id : _id : T extends { uuid?: any } ? uuid : T extends { id?: any } ? id : never

Type parameters

  • T


PropertyOptions<Owner>: { autoincrement?: boolean; check?: string | CheckCallback<Owner>; columnType?: ColumnType | AnyString; comment?: string; concurrencyCheck?: boolean; customOrder?: string[] | number[] | boolean[]; default?: string | string[] | number | number[] | boolean | null; defaultRaw?: string; extra?: string; fieldName?: string; fieldNames?: string[]; formula?: string | (alias: string) => string; generated?: string | GeneratedColumnCallback<Owner>; getter?: boolean; groups?: string[]; hidden?: boolean; hydrate?: boolean; ignoreSchemaChanges?: (type | extra | default)[]; index?: boolean | string; lazy?: boolean; length?: number; name?: string; nullable?: boolean; onCreate?: (entity: Owner, em: EntityManager) => any; onUpdate?: (entity: Owner, em: EntityManager) => any; persist?: boolean; precision?: number; primary?: boolean; ref?: boolean; returning?: boolean; runtimeType?: string; scale?: number; serializedName?: string; serializedPrimaryKey?: boolean; serializer?: (value: any) => any; setter?: boolean; trackChanges?: boolean; type?: keyof typeof types | ObjectId | Date | Constructor<AnyEntity> | Constructor<Type<any>> | Type<any> | () => unknown | ColumnType | AnyString; unique?: boolean | string; unsigned?: boolean; version?: boolean }

Type parameters

  • Owner

Type declaration

  • optionalautoincrement?: boolean

    Explicitly specify the auto increment of the primary key.

  • optionalcheck?: string | CheckCallback<Owner>

    Specify column with check constraints. (Postgres driver only)

  • optionalcolumnType?: ColumnType | AnyString

    Specify exact database column type for Generator. (SQL only)

  • optionalcomment?: string

    Specify comment of column for Generator. (SQL only)

  • optionalconcurrencyCheck?: boolean

    Set to true to enable Locking via concurrency fields.

  • optionalcustomOrder?: string[] | number[] | boolean[]

    Specify a custom order based on the values. (SQL only)

  • optionaldefault?: string | string[] | number | number[] | boolean | null

    Specify default column value for Generator. This is a runtime value, assignable to the entity property. (SQL only)

  • optionaldefaultRaw?: string

    Specify SQL functions for Generator. (SQL only) Since v4 you should use defaultRaw for SQL functions. e.g. now()

  • optionalextra?: string

    mysql only

  • optionalfieldName?: string

    Specify database column name for this property.

  • optionalfieldNames?: string[]

    Specify database column names for this property. Same as fieldName but for composite FKs.

  • optionalformula?: string | (alias: string) => string

    Set to map some SQL snippet for the entity.

  • optionalgenerated?: string | GeneratedColumnCallback<Owner>

    For generated columns. This will be appended to the column type after the generated always clause.

  • optionalgetter?: boolean

    Set true to define the properties as getter. (virtual)

    @Property({ getter: true })
    get fullName() {
    return this.firstName + this.lastName;
  • optionalgroups?: string[]

    Specify serialization groups for serialize() calls. If a property does not specify any group, it will be included, otherwise only properties with a matching group are included.

  • optionalhidden?: boolean

    Set to true to omit the property when Serializing.

  • optionalhydrate?: boolean

    Set false to disable hydration of this property. Useful for persisted getters.

  • optionalignoreSchemaChanges?: (type | extra | default)[]

    Set to avoid a perpetual diff from the Generator when columns are generated.

  • optionalindex?: boolean | string

    Explicitly specify index on a property.

  • optionallazy?: boolean

    Set to omit the property from the select clause for lazy loading.

  • optionallength?: number

    Set length of database column, used for datetime/timestamp/varchar column types for Generator. (SQL only)

  • optionalname?: string

    Alias for fieldName.

  • optionalnullable?: boolean

    Set column as nullable for Generator.

  • optionalonCreate?: (entity: Owner, em: EntityManager) => any

    Automatically set the property value when entity gets created, executed during flush operation.

  • optionalonUpdate?: (entity: Owner, em: EntityManager) => any

    Automatically update the property value every time entity gets updated, executed during flush operation.

  • optionalpersist?: boolean

    Set false to define Property.

  • optionalprecision?: number

    Set precision of database column to represent the number of significant digits. (SQL only)

  • optionalprimary?: boolean

    Set true to define entity's unique primary key identifier. Alias for @PrimaryKey() decorator

  • optionalref?: boolean

    Enable ScalarReference wrapper for lazy values. Use this in combination with lazy: true to have a type-safe accessor object in place of the value.

  • optionalreturning?: boolean

    Add the property to the returning statement.

  • optionalruntimeType?: string

    Runtime type of the property. This is the JS type that your property is mapped to, e.g. string or number, and is normally inferred automatically via reflect-metadata. In some cases, the inference won't work, and you might need to specify the runtimeType explicitly - the most common one is when you use a union type with null like foo: number | null.

  • optionalscale?: number

    Set scale of database column to represents the number of digits after the decimal point. (SQL only)

  • optionalserializedName?: string

    Specify name of key for the serialized value.

  • optionalserializedPrimaryKey?: boolean

    Set to define serialized primary key for MongoDB. (virtual) Alias for @SerializedPrimaryKey() decorator.

  • optionalserializer?: (value: any) => any

    Set to use serialize property. Allow to specify a callback that will be used when serializing a property.

      • (value: any): any
      • Parameters

        • value: any

        Returns any

  • optionalsetter?: boolean

    Set true to define the properties as setter. (virtual)

    @Property({ setter: true })
    set address(value: string) {
    this._address = value.toLocaleLowerCase();
  • optionaltrackChanges?: boolean

    Set false to disable change tracking on a property level.

  • optionaltype?: keyof typeof types | ObjectId | Date | Constructor<AnyEntity> | Constructor<Type<any>> | Type<any> | () => unknown | ColumnType | AnyString
  • optionalunique?: boolean | string

    Set column as unique for Generator. (SQL only)

  • optionalunsigned?: boolean

    Set column as unsigned for Generator. (SQL only)

  • optionalversion?: boolean

    Set to true to enable Locking via version field. (SQL only)


QBFilterQuery<T>: ObjectQuery<T> | Dictionary

Type parameters

  • T = any


QBQueryOrderMap<T>: QueryOrderMap<T> | Dictionary

Type parameters

  • T


QueryOrderKeys<T>: QueryOrderKeysFlat | QueryOrderMap<T>

Type parameters

  • T


QueryOrderKeysFlat: QueryOrder | QueryOrderNumeric | keyof typeof QueryOrder


QueryOrderMap<T>: { [ K in EntityKey<T> ]?: QueryOrderKeys<ExpandProperty<T[K]>> }

Type parameters

  • T


Ref<T>: T extends any ? IsAny<T> extends true ? Reference<T & object> : T extends Scalar ? ScalarReference<T> : EntityRef<T & object> : never

Ref type represents a Reference instance, and adds the primary keys to its prototype automatically, so you can do instead of ref.unwrap().id. It resolves to either ScalarRef or EntityRef, based on the type argument.

Type parameters

  • T


Rel<T>: T

Identity type that can be used to get around issues with cycles in bidirectional relations. It will disable reflect-metadata inference.

Type parameters

  • T


RequiredEntityData<T, I, C>: { [ K in keyof T as RequiredKeys<T, K, I> ]: T[K] | RequiredEntityDataProp<T[K], T, C> | Primary<T[K]> } & { [ K in keyof T as OptionalKeys<T, K, I> ]?: T[K] | RequiredEntityDataProp<T[K], T, C> | Primary<T[K]> | null }

Type parameters

  • T
  • I = never
  • C: boolean = false


Scalar: boolean | number | string | bigint | symbol | Date | RegExp | Uint8Array | { toHexString: any }


ScalarRef<T>: ScalarReference<T>

Alias for ScalarReference (see Ref).

Type parameters

  • T


Selected<T, L, F>: { [ K in keyof T as IsPrefixed<T, K, L | F | AddEager<T>> ]: LoadedProp<NonNullable<T[K]>, Suffix<K, L, true>, Suffix<K, F, true>> | AddOptional<T[K]> } & { [ K in keyof T as FunctionKeys<T, K> ]: T[K] } & { [___selectedType]?: T }

Type parameters

  • T
  • L: string = never
  • F: string = *


Transaction<T>: T

Type parameters

  • T = any


TransactionEventType: EventType.beforeTransactionStart | EventType.afterTransactionStart | EventType.beforeTransactionCommit | EventType.afterTransactionCommit | EventType.beforeTransactionRollback | EventType.afterTransactionRollback


UmzugMigration: { name: string; path?: string }

Type declaration

  • name: string
  • optionalpath?: string


UnboxArray<T>: T extends any[] ? ArrayElement<T> : T

Type parameters

  • T



ARRAY_OPERATORS: string[] = ...


Config: typeof Config = ...


EagerProps: typeof EagerProps = ...


EntityManagerType: typeof EntityManagerType = ...


EntityRepositoryType: typeof EntityRepositoryType = ...


EventTypeMap: Record<EventType, number> = ...


HiddenProps: typeof HiddenProps = ...


JSON_KEY_OPERATORS: string[] = ...


JsonProperty: typeof JsonProperty = ...


ObjectBindingPattern: typeof ObjectBindingPattern = ...


OptionalProps: typeof OptionalProps = ...


PrimaryKeyProp: typeof PrimaryKeyProp = ...


SCALAR_TYPES: string[] = ...


t: { array: typeof ArrayType; bigint: typeof BigIntType; blob: typeof BlobType; boolean: typeof BooleanType; character: typeof CharacterType; date: typeof DateType; datetime: typeof DateTimeType; decimal: typeof DecimalType; double: typeof DoubleType; enum: typeof EnumType; enumArray: typeof EnumArrayType; float: typeof FloatType; integer: typeof IntegerType; interval: typeof IntervalType; json: typeof JsonType; mediumint: typeof MediumIntType; smallint: typeof SmallIntType; string: typeof StringType; text: typeof TextType; time: typeof TimeType; tinyint: typeof TinyIntType; uint8array: typeof Uint8ArrayType; unknown: typeof UnknownType; uuid: typeof UuidType } = types

Type declaration


types: { array: typeof ArrayType; bigint: typeof BigIntType; blob: typeof BlobType; boolean: typeof BooleanType; character: typeof CharacterType; date: typeof DateType; datetime: typeof DateTimeType; decimal: typeof DecimalType; double: typeof DoubleType; enum: typeof EnumType; enumArray: typeof EnumArrayType; float: typeof FloatType; integer: typeof IntegerType; interval: typeof IntervalType; json: typeof JsonType; mediumint: typeof MediumIntType; smallint: typeof SmallIntType; string: typeof StringType; text: typeof TextType; time: typeof TimeType; tinyint: typeof TinyIntType; uint8array: typeof Uint8ArrayType; unknown: typeof UnknownType; uuid: typeof UuidType } = ...

Type declaration